Inventing the Future of Human Health

Astonishing Labs is commercializing science that challenges dogma to usher in the future of medicine.

The Current Problem

Astonishing Labs is taking a profound new approach to investing in biotech. By partnering directly with university lab scientists on their most advanced research, the Astonishing team is shifting the traditional biotech investment model to build platform companies.

A New Way to Advance Groundbreaking Biotech Research

By supporting scientists that challenge long-standing dogma, Astonishing Labs is disciplined in our commitment to only starting revolutionary biotech companies.

Our companies take a highly differentiated approach to treating disease. World changing science leads to breakthrough therapies that offer the potential to completely transform modern medicine.

Dr. Michael Levin at Tufts is our first Astonishing Labs scientist.

In his research, Dr. Levin has successfully used the electrical signals that cells use to communicate in order to instruct organ growth, detect and treat cancer, conduct body patterning, and more – all without the need for genetic intervention.

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Published in Leading Journals

Why We’re Doing This

Biotech is still in the dinosaur ages. Despite the many breakthroughs from the biotech industry, there has been shockingly little progress when it comes to advancing early stage research and turning that research into real companies.

Astonishing Labs is taking an entirely different approach by investing at the earliest stage of the innovation life cycle. Our scientists discover fundamental truths that apply across biological disciplines. These have broad implications across many diseases, and will benefit massive patient populations.

Our Astonishing Portfolio